All Subscriptions are covered by our 30-day money back guarantee. No sign up fees. No long term contracts.
You can use any of the most popular payment methods.
Yes, using Smart DNS services is completely legal. There is nothing illegal about changing your DNS server addresses. Moreover, Google offers its own DNS server addresses. Thus, you wouldn’t worry. Note, that criminal online activities are illegal whatever you are browsing the web with or without Smart DNS.
SmartDNS is based on the Domain Name Server technology. It obfuscates your actual IP address, changes the DNS address of your device, and reroutes both your incoming and outgoing web traffic through our dedicated DNS servers. Thus, your geographical location is hidden. So, you can easily access previously blocked video content.
Yes. You can setup our DNS serevrs on any devices. To do this, check our step-by-step guides on how to use SmartDNS on routers, smart TVs, gaming consoles, and media players. We also have an Android app that you can download from the Support section and active SmartDNS in one click.
You can freely use our SmartDNS app in these countries. Unfortunately, we can't guarantee that the service will work smoothly in UAE, China, and some other countries that restrict SmartDNS usage.
SmartDNS does not decrease the connection speed for any of our users for any reason. Using our app you can enjoy your original day to day internet connection speed while browsing the web, streaming videos, whatever.
We offer a 30-days money back guarantee if you can’t use our services meaning if any of the websites from the unblocked websites list are still blocked for you.