Contains many free shows, documentaries and movies you can watch.
Go to or open your BBC iPlayer app.
Mac Users:
- Install Google Chrome if you haven’t already
- If installed clear cache/browsing data completely
- Quit google chrome
- Start Utilities / Terminal and enter the below line exactly
- open -b ––args ––disable-http2
- If the above does not work try, open /Applications/Google\ ––args ––disable-http2
- Chrome will now launch and BBC iPlayer will work!
- Install Google Chrome if you haven’t already
- If installed clear cache/browsing data completely
- Quit google chrome
- Create a shortcut from google chrome on your desktop
- Right click, Properties and for target add –disable-http2 to the end of the targer so it looks similar to below (depending on the location of your chrome)
- “C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe” –disable-http2