Mobile Devices


  1. Find Settings
  2. Choose Wi-Fi by actually pressing Wi-F
  3. Press and hold your network and a window will open up
  4. Choose Modify Network Config
  5. Check the Show advanced options checkbox at the bottom of the screen (scroll down)
  6. Set IP settings to Static
  7. Simply keep your IP address, Gateway and Network prefix length the same
  8. Input [sign-up to get this number] & Secondary Server [sign-up to get this number]
  9. Press Save
  10. Restart your device

Note: If you are having problems after doing the above then your phone has recently updated Netflix to a newer version. Uninstall it completely and install the special build from below. You will then be up and running again.
[sign up or login to see this link]

iPhone & iPad

  1. Go to Settings
  2. Click on Wi-Fi. Find your Wireless connection and tap on the blue circle.
  3. For iOS 11:. After tapping the blue circle, scroll down and tap configure dns. Then tap manual to view/edit DNS and use the Save button on the top right hand corner.
  4. Under DNS, enter [sign-up to get this number]
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